Unveiling the Shocking Truths and Health Risks of Hookah, E-Cigs, and Cigarettes Smoking.

Par Filostine Jean-Baptiste

Mibalè, Haiti (Parole Sante360): December 22, 2023 – Risks and Consequences of Tobacco on Health: Tobacco contains a host of chemicals that can lead to serious illnesses, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and many others. To begin, let’s examine how each form of tobacco product or nicotine-containing substance affects human health.

Classic/Traditional Cigarettes: These cigarettes contain harmful chemicals such as tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide, which can lead to addiction and diseases like lung cancer, tracheal infections, and several other ailments. They are a genuine double-edged sword for human health.


Hookah:Hookah smoking involves a different method but poses similar dangers. It contains substances such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar that can cause cancer and other serious illnesses. Some may believe hookah smoking is less dangerous compared to traditional cigarettes, but research proves otherwise. Smoking hookah 50 times in one hour is equivalent to smoking two packs of traditional cigarettes. Hookah has significant health impacts for both the smoker and those exposed to the smoke. It can be even more dangerous than traditional cigarettes. Diseases associated with hookah include infections, cancer of the lungs, mouth, and stomach, heart disease, and vascular issues. Pregnant women exposed to hookah smoke may have babies with birth defects, developmental issues, or premature birth, and it may also lead to miscarriage. Studies show that hookah smokers have a higher risk of contracting herpes and hepatitis through mouth-to-mouth transmission.


E-Cigarettes: E-cigarettes release vapor without tar and carbon monoxide, but this does not mean they are without health risks. They still contain toxic substances that can potentially cause cancer. Consider other options before deciding to use e-cigarettes.

Advice for a Healthy Life: Smoking, in any form, has severe health consequences. The only way to protect yourself and your family is to quit smoking. If you need support, seek help from a professional who can assist you in the process of quitting. Always remember, that your health is an invaluable asset.


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Unveiling the Shocking Truths and Health Risks of Hookah, E-Cigs, and Cigarettes Smoking.

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